Redefining Consistency: Breaking Free from Social Media’s Misconceptions

I feel like most people have the wrong perception about consistency and social media is mainly to blame for that problem, it has convinced us that consistency is this really hard thing that we have to do the same stuff over and over again every single day and for that reason most people dread the idea of being consistent and the continuous doom scrolling and watching other people making videos about being consistent puts us into this constant subconscious guilt that we are not doing as much as the other person and that sets us even further back because it ends up making us feel unaccomplished.

What exactly is consistency?

Consistency does not mean doing the same stuff over and over again, there is a reason why the road to accomplish your dreams and goals is not streamline and a straight path and that is because the efforts that you put in everyday are not identical all the time and the setbacks take you time to recover from. Consistency means getting up everyday and putting in any amount of effort towards your goal so you are one step ahead of yesterday, for example if you worked 5 hours yesterday and you ended up putting in 2 hours today, you were still consistent because you continued where you left off yesterday and hence you are one step ahead from yesterday and at the end of the day that is what truly matters.

How to be consistent?

To be consistent you need to highlight your end goals, where you want to be about 5 years from now, and you look at those goals every other day to remind you why you are working so hard every single day. And most importantly always remember to take breaks and recover because if you do not take breaks there is a high chance that you will burnout and start to dislike what you are doing and fall into the pit of confusion where you cannot figure out what exactly it is that is keeping you from working hard.


Do not beat yourself up for working less hours than you did yesterday, always remember the most important thing and that is to work towards your goals everyday regardless of the time you put in, I read this quote the other day that said:

“When you have 25% in you and you still give 25% then at the end of the day you gave your 100%”

Hence always appreciate yourself for working hard, give yourself breaks, highlight your goals and put in the work everyday, that is what will get you closer and closer to that dream life that you want for yourself.

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